Quick color reference for myself when I add more models to my Yu JIng.
Masking products!
Step 1. Winsor Newton applied first. I use a metal dental tool I found at the local hardware store. The ponit is fine so I can make sure the gloss is covering all the way to the feet without actually touching the feet. Cover the model at least halfway to avoid paint splatter ruining your paint job.
Step 2. Once dry, apply a liquid latex over the liquid mask. This will make it easier to pull off the liquid mask because the latex will be one solid piece. I've had no problems getting masking off now that i'm putting liquid latex over it. (as seen above)
Step 3. base the model with Minitaire D6-143 Blood Stain Mud.
Step 4. Making sure not to cover all the brown so you leave a shadow. Apply Minitaire D6-106 Desolated Beach.
Step 5. Remove the mask, and apply black to the edge of the base.
Step 5.5 paint the cement with the same Dark Grey I always use, and the metal with Citadel Ironbreaker.
Step 6. I used some of the basing material I had left over from 40k to add flat stones to the bases. mixed in with Vallejo Mat varnish, they help add variety and also seal the paint this far.
Step 7. Mix Secret Weapon, Clay Brown, with water to a running consistency. you'll still get pigment because it'll settle in the bottom, but you don't want stludge. you're going to cover the entire base with this. If you add to much you can always go back and remove it with a wet brush.
Pre wash:
Post wash:
Step 8. Once it's dry, you can use a wet brush to remove any place that had to much weathering pigment. I wanted the tiles to look cleaner so I took most of the pigment off.
Step 9. For bases with asphalt I painted in Dark Grey (as mentioned above) and washed with Secret Weapon 'Concrete wash.' After this is dry I washed the metal with Nuln Oil, then Agrax Earthsade.
Step 10. Mix Secret Weapon 'Dark Earth' with water just like the clay, but thin it down significantly more. We're not trying to fill cracks like before. Spread this after everything has dried over the whole base. Try to help the pigment pool up in the edges of the man hole covers and places you'd like extra dirt.
In order of appearence:
Some quick examples of the finished bases. ready to be sealed with Army Painter Mat Varnish. You can see better pictures on my Guija, and Yan Huo posts.