Quick and dirty recipe for imperial fists. to start I primed with vallejo grey primer. a base of sun yellow, which is a bit more orange than I cared for.
To brighten up it up to a proper IF yellow. Thin down dead white and lightly cover the model from the top. this will give it an extra highlight and more depth with the sun yellow used before.
After the white going back over with medium yellow gives it a nice bright crisp yellow.
On a gloss base, put the decal on on the shoulder (with micro set) and use micro sol to flatten the decal onto the shoulder pad. for the larger decals I cut the decal in places so that it would lay flatter to start. In about 2 layers of micro sol the decal was nice and flat.
This step is what shades the yellow in a unique, and quick way. The key is to keep the helmet and the gun off. You mix the weathering powder with water and cover the model. Once it's dry you use a Q tip to wash the powder off. This will shade the model, weather it, and keep the yellow bright.
This ivory is a bit of a pain. I would get a lot on the brush and wipe most of it off on my hand to get the brush to a point and still highlight the model.
Reference for blending for the lenses.
man that weathering powder, I've not seen that before, looks really useful