Saturday, March 26, 2016

HTP:Yu Jing Guns

Another style I use for painting guns. the nomads are a bit to clean. With my yu jing I went for a harder contrast and more 'scratching' to highlight the weapon. I thought about it as crosshatching but for light instead of shadow. (this is a lot more apparent on the yan huo's weapons and backpack)

 Step 1. Cover the weapon with Vallejo Model Color 70.994 Dark Grey

Step 2. Vallejo Model Wash 76.517 Dark Grey the whole weapon.

Step 3. Adding the Dark Grey in a glaze now I cover the flatter parts of the weapon. Not covering up any flat space entirely. Leaving the wash covered dark grey on at least the bottom half of all flat parts of the gun. 

Step 4. Mixing Game Color 72.050 Cold Grey with Dark Grey 1:1 I highlight the very tops of each panel and part of the gun. (on the barrel I use 100% cold grey to have it stand out. I did this on the other combi rifles but its not pictured here)

Step 5. Using Game Color 72.046 Ghost Grey I make an extreme highlight and crosshatch scratches over the panels of the gun. on this monk I didn't thin down the paint as much as I should have. there's better examples below. 

And you're done! 
(I'll add pictures of the other example's when I take some better pictures.)

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