Sunday, February 7, 2016

HTP: Yan Huo Orange

The army of the rising sun's most powerful Heavy Infantry is an appropriate orange yellow. Any forces coming at you will know this is the last light they'll ever see as their HMC spins up.

Started priming  the model with Vallejo Black Primer 73.602 over the entire model. Followed by priming the model from a 45° angle making sure to leave black in the bottom and shadows.  

(I only have one light for my airbrush so the shadows are stronger then they are on the actual model)

Next you'll airbrush the entire model with Vallejo Hot Orange 72.709 covering everything in 3 thin coats. 

Spraying from the 45° angle, airbrush the top of all the armor plates you want to be orange/yellow with Vallejo Orange Fire 72.708.  This  may take a few coats to get a good shaded orange. don't rush. 

In very thin layers, add Vallejo Sun Yellow 72.706 to the highest points in the armor.

The effect is more obvious on my Guija, you can see the slight gradient from the orange fire into the sun yellow. 

Now the fun part, go ahead and airbrush the highlights with Vallejo Dead White 72.701 it's easier on the tag and looks phenomenal after the next step. 

Airbrushing over all the white parts of the model go over it again with Vallejo Sun Yellow 72.706. the tag has more area so the effect is easier to see. 

With a wet pallet, I mix Vallejo Sand yellow 70.916 1:1 with water. Go over the edges of the armor with this mixture and highlight your miniature. 

I used Minitaire D6-199 Gloss Coat because its the airbrush gloss coat I have. but any thin gloss you can airbrush is fine. I don't recommend brushing the gloss on because it can be too thick. 

Allow enough time for the gloss to dry completely, I leave it for at least a few hours. Using Vallejo wash Oxide Rust 76.506 paint the cracks in the model to give additional shading. 

Once the wash is completely dry you'll seal the model again with Vallejo Mat Varnish 70.520.

From here the yellow is complete! 


  1. Great tut! One question, is the gloss coat, then matt coat just for added protection, or does the first gloss layer add to the finish?

    1. The gloss coat makes sure the wash stays in the cracks of the model and lets you clean up spots you might have messed up.

      The Mat coat is there to make it look mat and not stupidly shiny. :)
